Monday, March 2, 2015

There's still time!

Who actually ENJOYS working out? Eating healthy? Avoiding fatty (delicious) foods? It takes a lot of will power and motivation to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Something else it takes a lot of is time, which is something that most of us don't have a lot of. Time to physically work out, time to create a workout plan, time to prepare healthy meals, time to research what foods are actually healthy. It can be intimidating. It's so much easier to just not... It's tempting to go through the nearest fast food drive through and have your food ready in 5 minutes, or stay on the couch and watch a couple more episodes of your favorite t.v. show rather than dragging your butt to the gym. I'm here to suggest that healthy eating and exercise do not have to be extensive time commitments! There are ways to fit in fitness, and it is worth it! In this blog I will provide quick and easy meals that are nutritious, as well as a variety of workouts to fit your schedule. Don't let time be an excuse any longer!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a fitness expert, or a trained nutritionist. I am not proposing recipes for the HEALTHIEST lifestyle, but rather a HEALTHIER lifestyle. I don't want to eat like a rabbit, and my end goal isn't to look like a fitness model. Ultimately, I just want to feel good. 

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