Monday, April 27, 2015

Why Organic is Better

We've talked about time, well more the lack of time. However, there is another critically important element that is associated with healthy eating. Finances... it is significantly more expensive to buy natural, organic products. Usually, the less ingredients it has, the more expensive it is, which is is kind of a crazy idea. So the question I have, "Is it worth it?" 

Is it really worth 56% more for a banana? Or 125% more for peanut butter? 

The answer is YES. 

It is better for YOU
Using pesticides kills some essential nutrients in the foods we are eating. Overall pesticide residue in organic foods is ten to one hundred times lower than non-organic. In my opinion, it also tastes better! There's nothing better than a case of organic apples from Costco. 

It is better for the ENVIRONMENT. 
"Organic and agroecological farming methods typically build healthier soils, produce less pollution, and protect ecosystems better than conventional cultivation methods." Organic farms use 70 percent less energy than industrial farms. Industrial farms are resource hogs often times using cheap, nonrenewable fossil fuels. 

It is better for the ANIMALS.
Unfortunately, organic doesn't ALWAYS mean humane treatment of animals, but more often than not, organic is more likely to use human treatment over non-organic. Another way to ensure humane treatment of the producers of your meat and dairy products is to look for "free range" and "graze."

Next time you go shopping, and see the difference in prices, think about the difference you can make in the world by supporting these smaller organic farms. It's worth it. 

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